How much will it cost for a G+2 residential building in chennai?

How much will it cost for a G+2 residential building?

The construction in Chennai ranges from Rs.1900-2300/-sqft
At Rs: 2000/- per sqft the following specifications can be provided

1. Masonry Works

Cement: For all works= Coromandel/dalmia

Bricks: Red chambered clay bricks

Fine Aggregate: For all works=M-Sand

Coarse Aggregate: 20mm & 40mm

Steel: TMT 500 GBR/Arun

2. Electricals

Wires: Orbit/finolex

Switches: Roma

3. Plumbing

PVC Pipes: Star/Finolex

CPVC Pipes: Finolex/Ashirvad

Fittings: Metro/Waterman

4. Tiles

Floor Tiles: 2*2 vitrified tiles of Rs: 55/-

Bathroom Tiles: Wall & floor ceramic tile at Rs: 35/-

Kitchen Tiles: Galaxy black granite on slab & ceramic tile on wall upto 3ft

5. Carpentary

Main Doors: First class teakwood doors & frames

Bedroom Doors: Second class teakwood frame & membrane doors

Bathroom Doors: Printed PVC doors

Windows: Teakwood/UPVC windows

6. Painting

Interior:  JK wall putty - 2 coat,
                Primer - 1 coat
                Asian premium emulsion- 2 coat

Exterior: Base 1 coat
               Tractor Emulsion - 2 coat

7. Staircase

Railing: MS Steel railing(Designed)

Tiles: Antiskid parking file/Eurocon parking tile.

8. Others/Additionals

Dr.Fixit water proofing at all water stagging places

Syntax water tank of 1000litres

Parapet of 3'height

Basement height - 3ft from G.L

9. Extra Works At Extra Costs

Underground SUMP

Elevation nominal cost

Weathering Course

Setback filling

Overhead water tank

Septic tank

Compound wall
